School Year Procedures

First Day of School:

  • Parents may sit with their child in the cafeteria for breakfast. We ask that you sit away from other students. Parents may then escort their students to the classroom.
  • Parents will leave the classroom once they drop off their child.
  • All students will report to their classroom on the first day of school. Our playground will not be open on August 5 in the morning.

Second Day of School – End of Year:

  • Parents are not permitted inside the cafeteria after August 5, 2024. Students will exit the cafeteria through the main hallway exit.
  • Parents are not permitted in the hallways at drop off and must drop their child off at the cafeteria entrance regardless of if they are having breakfast or going to head straight out to the playground.
  • Parents will be permitted to sign in for a visitor’s pass and visit the classrooms for pre-scheduled meetings before or after school hours only. You may not visit the classroom during school hours unless you receive prior approval from the classroom teacher.
  • Parents are not permitted past the C wing gate. Parents are never permitted on the playgrounds at any time unless given specific permission for activities or school events.