Frequently Asked Questions

May I visit or volunteer in my child’s classroom?

Yes. We encourage you to be involved in your child’s classroom. Volunteers need to complete a volunteer packet and return it to the office.

What is the procedure for checking my child out of school for an appointment?

If you need to pick up your child for an appointment during school hours, please check in at the office first. The clerk will call the classroom, and your child will meet you in the office. Thanks for helping us to keep our campus safe.

What should I do if my child is ill and will miss school?

Please notify the office.

Can my child ride a bicycle to school?

Students in 3rd through 5th grade are allowed to ride bikes to school. Bikes are to be stored in the bike rack and should be secured with a lock purchased by the student. Students also need to wear a safety helmet, which needs to be stored in the classroom until the end of the school day. Students will not be permitted to ride their bike home if they do not have a helmet. A parent will be called for student pick up. Please remind your child to walk their bike across all streets and on the sidewalks in front of Castle Dome and Otondo. These rules also apply to students riding scooters. During dismissal students riding a bike or scooter line up with the walkers, once everyone begins to walk, students will then gather their bike or scooter; walkers and students with bikes/scooters are escorted by an adult to the crosswalk at Otondo Drive and 24th Street. Otondo is not responsible for personal property including bikes, locks, and helmets

Does Otondo School provide bus service for its students?

Yes. Most students that attend Otondo School use the bus transportation our district provides. Please remember that it is a privilege, and our main concern and purpose is to provide the safe transportation of our students. This is why we give our drivers the authority to set the rules of conduct for his/her bus. We also have directed our bus drivers to report any students that do not follow the rules. The transportation department’s phone number is 928-502-8840.

What if the bus skips my child’s bus stop?

If the bus driver fails to stop at your child’s designated bus stop, please notify the Transportation Department at 928-502-8840, and then call the school office at 928-502-8500.

What should I do if I need to change my child’s transportation?

Please contact the classroom teacher directly through Class Dojo and inform them of the change in transportation. If you do not receive a response from the teacher confirming they have read your message, please contact the school office. If the change in transportation is with an individual that is not on your students emergency contact list, you are required to call the front office to make that change.

Otondo staff will not accept a verbal change in transportation from the student, a change in transportation must come directly from the parent/guardian.

May my child take toys/electronic devices to school?

Students may not bring expensive jewelry, trading cards, or large sums of money to school. Cell phones and electronic devices are not permitted without administrative approval. Each teacher will notify parents regarding guidelines related to other toys and provide written permission to students if there is an exception. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Please see our cell phone policy for more information.

Is there a “Lost and Found” at school?

Lost and found is located outside of the main entrance to the school. Families are welcome to check lost and found at any time. Valuable items (including glasses) are kept inside the school, please check with a secretary.

I have to be at work at 8:00 a.m. May I drop my child off at 7:45?

No. For safety reasons, children may not be on school premises before 8:15 a.m. We don’t have any school supervision until that time when play begins. If you need to drop your child off before 8:15 a.m., please consult with the Right at School personnel to arrange for before-school childcare. You can contact Right at School personnel at 928-580-0278.

Does Otondo School provide music education?

All students Kindergarten through fifth grade receive music education weekly. If you would like to know when your child attends, please reach out to the classroom teacher.

Does Otondo School offer Physical Education class?

Yes. All kindergarten through fifth grade classes have PE once a week. Please be sure your child wears comfortable school clothes and tennis shoes on PE day.

What meals does the cafeteria serve, and what is the cost?

Elementary Pricing Schools: Alice Byrne, Palmcroft, Rolle, Otondo, Desert Mesa, and Sunrise

We know that breakfast is the most important part of the day. That is why at Yuma School District One, we offer breakfast at no cost. We serve breakfast from 8:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Lunch is available to all students for $1.50 every day.

You may fill out a free and reduced lunch application at any time during the school year if you think your child may qualify. If you would like to manage your meal account online or make an online payment you may go to the district Child Nutrition page. See the cafeteria manager for more details. We look forward to serving you.

If your student brings a sack lunch from home, they may still purchase a juice or milk for 25 cents to go with their meal. Due to USDA guidelines, milk or juice is 25 cents, regardless if your student qualifies for free and reduced priced meals.

What if I think my child needs special education?

Please talk to your child’s teacher to discuss your concerns. The teacher will initiate whatever interventions your child might need.

What should I do if my address changes?

Please let the office know as soon as your address changes. We will need the new address, the new phone number if there is one, and a new proof of residence.

My child must receive medication during school hours. Is there a school nurse that can take care of this for me?

Do not allow your child to bring medication to school (prescription or nonprescription). If medications are needed, parents/guardians should reach out directly to the health office for specific steps and forms to be completed.

Does Otondo School have a dress code?

Otondo is not a uniform school but does have a dress code. Please visit our student handbook to read the details of our dress code.

May my child bring a pet to school?

No. Pets are not allowed on campus without administrative approval unless they are trained service animals with proper documentation.